Panels and Activities at Confuror 2024
What is a panel?
One of the main features of a furry convention are the panels. Any content proposed by the community that is presented during the convention is considered a panel. In Confuror they are classified as:
Room Activity:
- Conferences or talks
- Meetings
- Releases and work presentations
- Round tables and discussions
- Workshops
- Group games or activities
- Tournaments (Video Games or Board Games)
Musical Activity:
- Musical Presentation (Concert)
- DJ Presentation (Night Party)
Although panels are housed in the convention space, attendants are the ones who propose and present their content. If you are interested in hosting an activity for Confuror, keep reading to learn more about the categories of content and register your proposal by following the links according to the type of activity.
Room activities classification
One or several speakers are at the head of the group with the purpose of sharing they knowledge or experience on a topic.
- Themed exposition.
- Live interviews.
- Technical demonstrations (Non practical for attendees).
One or several hosts summon a group of people that share something in common with the purpose of meeting up and socialize.
- Group meetings.
- Artist/fursuiters meet & greets.
Work presentation:
The session features a work or collection of works that will be shown to the public.
- Art shows.
- Book or publication presentation.
- Event presentation.
- Videogame or development presentation.
Round tables and discussions:
There is no speaker but a host or moderator who invites a group of people interested in listening and sharing their opinion on a proposed topic.
- Structured debates.
- Open forums for conversation on a topic.
One or several exhibitors direct the session teaching some artistic technique to attendees and putting it into practice.
- Demonstration of techniques with practice.
- Manual recreational activities.
- Dance workshops.
Game or group activity
One or several hosts direct the session coordinating a game or physical activity.
- Table tops.
- Fursuit games.
- Group games.
One or several hosts direct the session coordinating a tournament based on game or physical activity.
- Videogame tournaments.
- Dancing challenges.
- Table top tournaments.
Musical activities classification
Musical Presentation (Concert)
A musician or a musical group of any genre goes on stage and plays for the audience; to do so, they will have the necessary time for testing and preparation*.
- Solo musicians.
- Musical groups.
DJ’s and Night Parties
During Confuror’s nights the stage turns into a dance floor and you can be the one who sets the rhythm. If you are interested in participating as a DJ in one of our night parties, sign up by following these steps:
- DJ with original mix or production.
- Live performance of dance music.
*Any technical or time requirements should be carefully detailed in order to be considered by Confuror staff.