About Us
Direction Board
Chair -
Targus R.
Vice-Chair -
Vannister Nicodemus
Finances -
Jake Rosedead
Communications Lead -
Khaos Coyote
Charity Lead -
Letkuan Nexus
Registry Lead -
Rom Howler
Art Lead -
Snarty Fox
Systems Lead -
Expositions Lead
Convention Culture Coordinator -
Akiro Akita Inu
Volunteering Coordinator -
Eis Ligre
Volunteering Coordinator -
Jonathan W.
Volunteering Coordinator -
Leo Skyler
Volunteering Coordinator -
Varzzen DireWolf
Volunteering Coordinator -
Darwish Bakari
Developer / Systems Assistant -
Developer / Systems Assistant -
Anju Hope
Theming Props -
Exhibitions Coordinator -
Paco Panda
Conbook Editor / Art Director's Advisor (Transitional) -
Artshow Coordinator -
Artshow Coordinator -
Dr. Durr
Fursuit Festival Coordinator -
Drew Otter
Fursuit Lounge Coordinator -
Fursuit Festival Coordinator -
Allucard The Ghost
Floor Wars Coordinator -
Astral Seeker
Dance Competition Coordinator -
Talent Show Coordinator
The Directors and Collaborators listed here provide their support to the event on a voluntary basis and with the sole interest of supporting the development and execution of Confuror 2024. The community that attends Confuror plays a role as important as those of us who collaborate in its realization. We would also like to thank in advance all the volunteers, suppliers and external support that help or will help us during this edition. Without the support of all the above mentioned parties, neither this nor any of the previous editions of Confuror would have been possible.
Confuror is a space for all of us, which we have been building year after year. The team that develops and executes Confuror is made up of people from different professional areas, with different visions and originating from different countries. Each and every one of us who collaborate or have collaborated in this project are also members of the furry community. None of us, individually, represents the convention, its framework of values and principles, or its vision of the project. Confuror is only represented by the consensus and the sum of all its parts.